E&W Latest News We are delighted to announce that after a rigorous process Entrust’s chosen catering provider is Edwards and Ward. Our focus when choosing our new provider was on the suitability and experience of the provider to serve our sector, the quality of food and the organisational structure proposed to ensure the very best […]
E&W Testimonials “The transition to Edwards and Ward too place over the summer holidays, staff were trained, new uniforms supplied, deliveries arrived in school and Edwards and Ward were set up and ready to go on the first day of the new term. They are working with the school on an ongoing basis to accommodate […]
E&W Testimonials “Edwards and Ward outshine the previous contractors in my view and are very professional. I am impressed with the quality of support the kitchen team receives and input from the company.A sign they care and want the meal provision to go well.” Recent Articles Ann-Marie Grant Headteacher | St Michaels C of E […]
E&W Testimonials “As you know from attending School Council Meetings, the children really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about future dishes. Thank you for taking on their suggestions and for taking this time to explain the reasons behind some of the menu choices, and why some of their choices can not be included […]
E&W Testimonials “Our Operations Manager provides us with a brilliant service, she is always contactable and responds to any queries quickly and efficiently. She instils us with confidence in the management of this contract. She has built excellent relationships with both the kitchen and the school staff, the feedback from the kitchen staff is that […]
Get ready because we’re taking you straight to Human Resources! No, not like that—it’s just this week’s #MeetTheTeamTuesday!
We’re out and about for this week’s #MeetTheTeamTuesday! Let us transport you all to Eastleigh College (virtually, of course) where we are getting to know one of our very talented Catering Managers.
We enjoyed our Chef’s Blog so much yesterday, we thought we’d stick with him for this week’s #MeetTheTeamTuesday!
This week we’ve been lucky enough to snag a quick Q&A with our very busy Managing Director.
This bank holiday weekend, why not try our amazing seasonal rhubarb recipes! Get baking with a Rhubarb Crumble Loaf Cake. Or for a healthier option, opt for our Nutritionist’s favourite Rhubarb Compote!